Down to the nitty gritty ( yes i did just use that phrase... i also use words like teenypopy, hoo raa and tomm pee.. my mother is canadian and this is her influence on me...)
i want to lose around a stone and a half(21 pounds) for early may.....
so this is to keep me motivated.... cos who is more brutal then netizens right.... that is if any one ever even sees this blog.... its more for my benefit
i shall add an unflattering picture now...
yep... look at me... shopping in a wear....
so now the plan of action...
- well i heard that if u keep drinking water then u insure that whatever weight u have lost if fat and that just water weight, so a big glass every hour until i reach 8 glasses.
- no eating after 7! unless i really have no other choice like if im out of something.
- eat biggest meal at brekkie...
- eats lots of teeny tiny meals...
- and keep it under 1200 calories...
- no coke or minerals
- must exercise... skipping and sprinting is what im doing
- and keep a food diary..... and this is it, :)
Good luck on your diet! I bet you can do it!